Simran Sidhu. Honours Health Sciences Student at Wilfrid Laurier University ... Proctored midterms for first and second-year chemistry and psychology students.
School Wilfrid Laurier University; Course Title PS 101/102 OC; Type ... The Four Goals of Psychologists **(midterm- given an example, pick which of the 4) o .... Shawn will be enrolling in his first year at Laurier next September. ... Example: AN101 0.5 C+ 3 CS100 0.5 B- 3.5 GG101 0.5 C+ 3 GS101 0.5 C- 2 PS101 0.5 D- 0.5 ... He also received a C- on his MA110 (1.0 credit course) midterm exam.. WLU WLU WLU . midterm and final are the same as the mock exams. ... Laurier PS101 Final Exam Flashcards Final Portfolio (In Class Essay) date: Periods 1/2 ... 939c2ea5af